Monday, 30 September 2013

Medias effects on society

The media is a big part of people’s lives, especially teenagers.  Nowadays media is absolutely everywhere. No one can go anywhere without being around some kind of media. Kids today know nothing more than a world full of the media technology provides. All around society the media illustrates happiness to get people’s attention. The media tries to get people to think, dress, act and look a certain way. Putting these ideas into people is what the media aims for. There are so many different types of media and all of them try to get an idea into people’s minds. `A lot of teenagers are influenced by the media in a huge way. The insecurities from society are used in the media to get people’s attention. Power hungry companies use all of these different methods to purposely control society. People care way too much about keeping up with the popular trends that are presented by the media.
            Social media sites play a big part in how the media controls people today. Anyone can go onto a big social media site and there are millions of people all sharing opinions. Instantly there is some kind of advertisement, a big trend and millions of people to follow up the trends. It can be very intimidating going on the internet. The pressures of millions of people supporting an idea and pushing it towards everyone on the internet makes society feel like if someone doesn’t like the trend they are either an outcast or a hipster. On a social media site called Tumblr there was a big trend going around called the thigh gap. This trend pressured so many young women to turn to unhealthy eating habits, anorexia or bulimia all so they could have a gap between their thighs when they put their feet together. This trend let to a huge increase in anorexia and bulimia in teenage girls all because of the media. This just shows how much of an influence the media can have on society. Anyone anywhere can see anything on the internet and it puts the ideas in the minds of teenagers to have a certain look. The media plays on peoples insecurities and it doesn’t just stop on these social media sites, there are so many other types of media that do the same things.
            Television, internet, cell phones, the radio and magazines are all different types of media and each one of these types effect society in different ways.  Advertisements trying to sell products show seemingly happy people using these products. These happy people put out the thought that this product can make anyone happy. There are advertisement for diets or diet pills that play up the idea for a fast way to get skinny and have the ``perfect body``. Once again society is being shown happy people who now have lost a lot of weight and anyone can do it. Magazines have numerous pictures of the models that exemplify a perfect look, the skinny body, perfect hair, and tanned, perfect skin. The pressure of having a good body doesn’t just stop at women either. Men are pressured to have the perfect muscles and tanned too. The internet and the radio tell people what the popular music is. The radio station play all of the new songs over and over again and it gets stuck in your mind that this is what you should be listening too. The media uses celebrities to control people. Teenagers see their role models dressing a certain way and of course that is how they want to dress too. The truth is, is that all of these things are happing because of people paying so much attention to the media and they are being controlled by it. Society gives the people controlling the media all of the power.
            The media controlling society in such a huge way is no accident. Companies use the media to obtain power and sell merchandise. Music industries use it to sell music and show people who are big today in music. The advertising shown to people on the internet is no accident either. Media follows peoples everywhere and watches their every move. Those advertisement people see on their computers have been directed at them because of the websites they`ve been on or things that person has looked at on that computer. The more technology there is the more the media can follow you and get into your mind. Society today pays way to much attention to the media.  Everyone is trying to keep up with all of the big trends. Having all of the best clothes, having the newest cell phones, listening to all of the popular music and keeping up with all of the internet social media can be a hard thing to do and yet every feels like they have to do it. They are all scared to be considered an outcast and the media puts this idea of not being different into the minds of everyone. People need to see that everyone is original. Everyone dresses, looks, acts and likes all different things but for some reason the media frowns upon that.

            The media is controlling society. It shows people being happy with a product to sell it. Using insecurities, it shows people how they should look and tries to get people to look that way. Media shows society what music to listen to and what clothes to wear. Society is so corrupted by the ideas the media portrays and it makes it seem that if you doing look or act these ways you aren’t accepted into it. Companies and powerful people are using the media to purposely put these ideas into societies head. The media is everywhere and there is no way to get rid of it but if people do not pay so much attention to it, it would not have such an effect on people. Society is just like a quote by Jim Morrison, lead singer of the Doors, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”.

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